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Advertise with CARTA
Typical advertising billboards do not move. Consequently, the message is usually received by the same people…day after day after day. With CARTA Transit Advertising, the billboard MOVES …throughout Chattanooga. It might be around St. Elmo one day and East Chattanooga the next, or at Hamilton Place in the morning and Northgate in the afternoon. Your message is received by a great number of different consumers.
All rates are NET rates. Advertiser is responsible for all sign or brochure production costs. Space availability will vary. Current availabilities will be confirmed with the contract. For additional information, contact the RiverRoad Group, c/o Susan Philips at or (423) 991-9228.
We serve Chattanooga with fixed bus routes, a paratransit service, an all-electric shuttle system, parking garages, and 8 park & ride lots.
Fixed Route, Exterior Signs, King (Street Side)

$200 per sign, per month
30” high x 108” wide
Fixed Route, Exterior Signs, Queen (Curb Side)

$150 per sign, per month
30″ high x 36″ wide
Fixed Route, Exterior Signs, Tail (Rear)

$140 per sign, per month
21″ high x 70″ wide
Fixed Route, Bus Wrap

Bus wrap is available on our fixed route bus fleet. Please contact the RiverRoad Group for more information.
Fixed Route, Interior Signage

$35 per sign, per month
11″ high x 28″ wide
Up to 4 spaces available on each vehicle
Downtown Shuttle, Bus Wrap

Bus wrap is available on our shuttle fleet. Please contact the RiverRoad Group for more information.
Downtown Shuttle, Brochure Pockets & Signage

Brochure Pockets
$220 per month for one pocket on each shuttle
Maximum 8 pockets per shuttle